Hard waste collection

Hard waste presented for collection on the nature strip

A Borough wide hard waste collection will occur on Saturday the 10th of May 2025. Please place your hard waste on your nature strip for collection after Saturday the 3rd of May. Place all metal items in a separate pile for easy collection. All metal will be recycled.

Anything with a plug, battery or power cord is considered e-waste, so save that for the e-waste collection happening on the 17th of May. For more information about the e-waste collection, head here.

Hard Waste Q & A’s

What is hard waste?

Hard waste is material that can't be contained in your 120-litre kerbside waste bin. Items must not weigh more than 32 kilograms, be no longer than 1.2 metres or wider/deeper than 0.6 metres.

What can I do with items not accepted? 
  • E-waste, excluding whitegoods, should be saved for the e-waste drop-off day on Saturday 17 May 2025 at the Ocean View Carpark. 
  • Household batteries can be dropped off for free at a local battery recycling collection point
  • Whitegoods such as washing machines, clothes dryers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers and air conditioners, alongside car batteries, e-waste, gas bottles, cooking oil, motor oil, household batteries, paint and pain tins etc. are accepted free of charge at the Drysdale Resource Recovery Centre.
  • Items such as mattresses and tyres can be taken to the Drysdale Resource Recovery Centre for a small fee.  
  • Drysdale Landfill accepts small domestic quantities (no larger than six by four trailer) of asbestos. No asbestos will be accepted without a prior booking. Find out more
What changes is Council making to the future hard waste service?
Council has been exploring options for a new service model which will allow residents to book a hard waste time rather than an annual, Borough wide hard waste day. Our goal is to enhance safety, reduce illegal dumping and offer residents more choice and reliability in collection days. The outcome of this booked system is expected to be determined at the March Ordinary Meeting of Council.


What can be collected?

  • Hot water systems
  • Baths
  • Household furniture
  • Lawn mowers and other garden tools
  • Garden furniture
  • Timber no more than 1.2m in length
  • Glass from mirrors and windows (must be securely wrapped in cardboard with the word 'glass' clearly marked on it)
  • Scrap metal and small car parts (place in a separate pile on the kerbside). Excludes batteries and tyres.

What can't be collected?

  • E-waste, i.e. any items with a plug, battery or power cord such as televisions, computer equipment/printers, whitegoods (fridges, washing machines, dryers and ovens) and small household appliances
  • Mattresses and/or bases
  • Cardboard packaging (e.g. boxes)
  • Asbestos
  • Medical waste
  • Waste oils (e.g. cooking and motor oils)
  • Paint
  • Building, renovation or demolition materials (e.g. plasterboard, kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, fences, bricks, concrete, rubble or excavation material)
  • Waste from industrial or commercial premises
  • Chemicals and chemical containers
  • LPG bottles
  • Car batteries and tyres
  • Green waste (e.g. tree prunings or stumps)
  • Bags of household garbage.
  • Metal sheets
  • Paint tins
  • Expanded polystyrene

Whitegoods such as washing machines, clothes dryers, fridges, freezers, dishwashers and air conditioners etc. are accepted free of charge at the Drysdale Resource Recovery Centre

Hard waste in commercial quantities will not be collected.