Change your bin size

A recycling bin and a landfill bin ready for kerbside collection

The Borough's standard bin sizes for each collection service have recently updated as part of the new food waste kerbside collection service rollout.

As of 1 August 2023, bin sizes are as follows:

  • Landfill – 120 litres (collected fortnightly)
  • Recycling – 240 litres (collected fortnightly)
  • Food organics & garden organics – 240 litres (collected weekly).

Additional bins are available at a cost of $135 per year, charged on a pro-rata basis via the rates system. Larger 240L bins can be downsized to 120L bins for no added cost.

You can request to change your bin size at any time by completing the form below.

Online form

Talk to us

Want to understand more about downsizing or additional options? Contact Council and we'll work with you to organise the bin you're after.