Gender Equality


At the Borough of Queenscliffe, we're proud of our commitment to gender equality. We embrace our obligations under the Victorian Gender Equality Act 2020 to both promote gender equality, and take necessary and proportionate action towards achieving gender equality. 

The Gender Equality Act 2020 also requires Council to:

  • Conduct Gender Impact Assessments when developing or reviewing any policy, program or service that has a direct and significant impact on the public
  • Undertake regular Workplace Gender Audits that assess the state and nature of gender inequality in Council's workplace
  • Prepare a Gender Equality Action Plan every four years that includes strategies and measures for promoting gender equality in Council's workplace based on the results of the workplace gender audit
  • Submit regular Progress Reports to the Gender Equality Commissioner reporting on Council's gender impact assessments undertaken and progress made against the measures and strategies set out in Council's Gender Equality Action Plan. 

Earlier in 2022, we developed our inaugural Gender Equality Action Plan, and we're proud to have had it accepted by the Gender Equality Commissioner. The Plan necessarily focuses on Council's workplace rather than community actions and outlines a range of actions and strategies towards progressing gender equality in our workplace over the next four years. It outlines:

  • the case for change (why we're seeking gender equality)
  • Our workplace audit results
  • Our consultation with staff in developing our actions, and
  • the actions we commit to undertake over the next four years

To read the Gender Equality Action Plan, click the button below.

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At the Ordinary Meeting of Council in April 2023, Council also adopted our "Gender Equality Statement of Commitment", which affirms our commitment to gender equality, not because legislation requires this, but because it aligns with the values of Council and our Community Vision to be ‘a welcoming, connected and diverse community’.

To read the Gender Equality Statement of Commitment, click the button below.

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