Council meetings are an integral part of the planning, policy and decision-making process of Council. We encourage members of the public to attend Council meetings and participate during public question time.
To enable the preparation of a considered response, it's best to submit your question as early as possible. You've got up until 4 hours before the Council meeting begins to have the question lodged with Council – any questions received after that time will be treated as correspondence, with a written response provided as per our Customer Service Charter.
Ordinary Meetings of Council begin at 6.30 pm, so questions will need to be lodged by 2.30 pm.
As to the form of questions, they must be in writing, preferably in English, and be 75 words or less. Questions may include a short preamble (up to 150 words). A maximum of one question will be accepted from any one person per Council meeting.
If you require assistance with providing a question in writing and or in English, then you are able seek support from Council via an interpreter service if required.
All questions responded to and answers provided during Public Question Time shall be recorded in the Public Minutes of the Council Meeting. For assistance with public questions, please contact Council.
Lodge a public question