Cr Isabelle Tolhurst


Local Economy


Cr Isabelle Tolhurst has a deep connection to the Borough, being a direct descendant of Charles and Henry Dod, significant contributors to Queenscliff and responsible for building the town’s first post office and bank. Cr Tolhurst attended Queenscliff Kindergarten and has holidayed in Point Lonsdale for more than 25 years. She now resides in Queenscliff with her family.

Cr Tolhurst holds a Bachelor of Journalism, Master of International Relations, and has worked as a journalist across a range of print and broadcast publications, including The Copenhagen Post and The Jakarta Post. She currently works at a youth not-for-profit, helping young people advocate to all levels of government for social, economic and environmental change.

Cr Tolhurst was formerly a committee member with Queenscliffe Climate Action Group, and is a current volunteer rescuer with Wildlife Victoria. She is passionate about community engagement and excited by the outcomes of genuine consultation.

Cr Tolhurst was elected to her second term as Mayor during the November Ordinary Meeting of Council 2023. She served in this position until her resignation at the April Ordinary Meeting of Council 2024. She continues serving in the role of Councillor.