Community Service Awards


Council's annual awards event celebrates the many individuals, community groups and organisations that make outstanding contributions to the community every year. We present up to two Citizen of the Year awards and a Community Group of the Year award in an annual event that coincides with National Volunteers Week.

Anyone who lives, works or volunteers in the Borough of Queenscliffe can be nominated by any member of the community. For group awards, self-nominations are welcome. Our reference group panel then judge the nominations against set criteria and makes a recommendation to Council on who should be awarded each title. 

Nominations for Citizen of the Year and Community Group of the year are now open, closing on the 25th of Febuary 2025. To nominate, please fill out the form below.



Each year, the Borough of Queenscliffe presents awards to local citizens and groups that have made outstanding contributions to the community. These awards are an opportunity to honour individuals or groups who have made a significant contribution to the Borough of Queenscliffe community.

Council’s Community Service Awards Reference Group will review nominations against set criteria and make a recommendation on recipients to Council. Final decisions will be formally endorsed confidentially by Council at an Ordinary Council Meeting.

Awards will be presented to persons, groups and/or organisations that have made the most outstanding achievements and/or the most outstanding contribution to the local community during the year or over several years. No awards will be made if it is considered that nominations are not of a sufficiently high standard.

The awards will be presented during the National Volunteer Week Celebrations in May 2024.

Step 1.Conditions of entry

  • Nominations must be submitted on Council's official nomination form.
  • Nominations must be received by 5pm on the 25th of Febuary 2025.
  • In the event that no nominations are received in any of the categories, Council reserves the right to recommend an award to a group or citizen of their choice.
  • No awards will be made if it is considered that nominations are not of a sufficiently high standard.
  • The decision of Council is final, and no correspondence will be entered into in regard to that decision.


Step 2.Eligibility criteria

Citizen of the Year Award                      

A person of any age and has made an outstanding contribution during the current year and/or given outstanding service to the community of the Borough of Queenscliffe over a number of years. The community member may live outside the 3225 postcode area but is still eligible if the volunteer contributions are within the Borough of Queenscliffe and benefit the Borough of Queenscliffe community. Up to two nominees may be selected for the award.

Criteria for assessing the Citizen of the Year include:

  • an Australian citizen and have made an outstanding contribution during the current year and/or given outstanding service to the community of the Borough of Queenscliffe over a number of years.
  • contributions made by nominee have been completed on a voluntary basis.

Community Group of the Year Award

A group or organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to the Borough of Queenscliffe community during the past year.

Criteria for assessing the Community Organisation of the Year include:

  • group or organisation has made an outstanding contribution to the Borough of Queenscliffe community during the previous year
  • dedicated service and leadership in the community
  • positive impact on the Borough of Queenscliffe community
  • majority of contributions made by group members have been completed on a voluntary basis.