Budget 2024–2025

  • Project statusFinal Budget Adopted
  • Last updatedJune 2024

Council budgets aren’t just financial documents – they set the agenda for the projects and services Council invests in. And because our community cares about these projects and services, we asked them to contribute to our budget process this year.

We're conduced a survey asking the community to submit ideas and thoughts on what the Borough of Queenscliffe's budget should focus on.

The survey asked what areas people thought we should invest in, where our priorities should lie and provided an opportunity to share ideas with us. The results told us which projects were important to the community and how Council can best invest in our Borough.

About the project

We wanted to know which projects and services are the most important to our community. Residents and ratepayers had the opportunity to suggest new ideas, or highlight existing projects or areas that they thought was particularly important. We also asked which budget categories Council should prioritise.

Council's budget invests in a huge number of projects and services across seven categories. Last year's budget looked like this:


Our budget consultation was open to everyone. We wanted to ensure we heard from every part of our community, and we are grateful to everyone who contributed and helped us develop our budget - your unique ideas and thoughts helped us make this budget process representative of everyone.

Council's Community Budget Presentation:

Council's community budget presentation on the 2024-2025 budget took place at 6 pm on the 7th of February at Town Hall. The Mayor, Councillors and Council Officers presented Council's current financial situation, where current financial commitments lie, answered questions and responded to the community to understand the communitys needs.

The presentation was recorded for those unable to attend and can be watched by clicking the button below.

Watch now

Conducted an online survey

We devised a quick and easy survey to help understand the wants and needs of our community when it comes to our spending. The 5 minute survey asked where you'd like to see spending prioritised, suggest new ideas and determine what areas matter most to you. This survey closed on Friday the 23rd of February 2024. 

We heard from over 350 respondents who took the time to tell us what they'd like to see prioritised in the 2024-2025 Council Budget. Positively, this level of community engagement was up over 30% from last year, meaning we were able to hear from a wider portion of our community.

To read the Consultation Report, click on the link below.

2024-2025 Council Budget Consultation Report

What's next?

Council endorsed the Draft Budget and the Draft Financial Plan at the April Ordinary Meeting of Council for the purpose of community consultation.

Community members are invited to make submissions on the documents from the 26th of April, 2024 until the 24th May, 2024. Submissions can be made in writing to info@queenscliffe.vic.gov.au or by post to 50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff VIC 3225

To view the draft budget and financial documents, click on the button below.

Draft Budget

Draft Financial Plan

Draft Rating and Revenue Pan

Draft Budget Presentation

On the 8th of May in Town Hall, Council presented the draft budget in detail and answered questions the community had. Officers were able to discuss what budget entailed, how community consultation was undertaken and how it impacted the budget. The community was able to ask questions both in person and online.

To view a recording of the presentation, click here.

Final Budget Adopted

At the June Ordinary Meeting of Council, the 2024-2025 Council Budget and Financial Plan was adopted unanimously. For the third year in a row, we're proud to adopt a budget that breaks even and keeps the Borough debt free. To read the final documents, click on the links below.

2024–25 Budget

2024/25–2033/34 Financial Plan

Revenue and Rating Plan(PDF, 545KB)