Queenscliff Traffic Management Strategy

  • Project statusStrategy Adopted
  • Last updatedJune 2024

Ratio Consultants, with input from Council engineering staff, have developed a draft Traffic Management Strategy for the township of Queenscliff.

The project is being undertaken in response to a range of community feedback relating to vehicle speeds, traffic volumes and road safety.

A Traffic Management Strategy is a process of identifying existing transport and road safety issues, and developing recommendations to improve the safety, amenity and access within a defined study area.

The development of the Queenscliff Traffic Management Strategy (QTMS) included a range of data collection, on-site observations, engagement with key stakeholders, and data analysis. Several issues and opportunities have been identified and a prioritised implementation plan has been developed within the QTMS.

Ratio Consultants undertook the following activities in the development of the QTMS:

  • Background review, including previous community engagement and feedback.
  • Traffic surveys and other data collection
  • Review of Department of Transport’s (DTP) Movement and Place framework
  • Review and incorporate the findings of the Active Transport Strategy

This draft version of the Queenscliff Traffic Management Strategy was placed on public exhibition for a period of 28 days, closing April 3rd. 

A summary of feedback received can be viewed by clicking the button below.

QTMS Engagement Summary

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 26th of June 2024, Council adopted the Queenscliff Traffic Management Strategy. Click on the button below to read the adopted strategy.

Queenscliff Traffic Management Strategy(PDF, 8MB)