Development of the Access and Inclusion Plan

  • Project statusFeedback being reviewed
  • Last updatedAugust 2024

Local government has a critical role in encouraging and supporting active participation in community life, ensuring that its services are accessible, equitable and inclusive to all residents.

So, in May 2022 when a local disability advocate approached Council asking the Borough to increase engagement with this community to ensure greater access, inclusion and participation of disabled people, Council was keen to get started. It was in August 2022 that Council resolved to establish a DisAbility Lived Experience Reference Group to better understand the issues that affect people with disability, and guide how we can go about addressing those issues.  

In establishing the reference group, Council actively sought to involve people with lived experience of disability, and/or people who might be a carer or ally. The goal was to bring together a group of people who represent diversity in our community, and understand disability through experience.

As a result, the Borough of Queenscliffe DisAbility Lived Experience Reference Group (LEDG) was formed. This group of people represent diversity in our community, and understand disability through experience. 

The LEDG’s objectives are to:

  • Establish and lead the LEDG, and facilitate the engagement with other groups, people and partners
  • Represent the interests of people with disabilities in the Borough of Queenscliffe, including carers and family members.
  • Co-design, co-deliver and co-monitor the implementation of the Borough of Queenscliffe’s Disability Action Plan on an ongoing basis.
  • Advise Council and the community on issues and barriers that affect people with disabilities and carers living, working, studying and visiting the Borough.
  • Advocate and lobby on behalf of local residents, students, workers and visitors with a disability and carers regarding systemic issues in a changing landscape at local, State and National levels.
  • Participate in policy development through membership of steering groups, participation in community consultation processes and other activities.
  • Respond and contribute to relevant documents including policies, reports, research documents and plans provided by Council officers for comment.
  • Develop partnerships with all levels of government to assist with getting access and inclusion issues resolved in the Borough.

The LEDG has reviewed Council’s former Disability Action Plan and assisted Council to develop an Access and Inclusion Plan that seeks to undertake actions that will improve accessibility within the Borough. 

The draft document was placed on exhibition from July 15 through until August 15th. Feedback is now being considered and used to inform any changes required to the plan. 

The draft document can be found below.

Draft Access and Inclusion Plan