Fisherman's Flat Heritage Review

  • Project statusPanel Report Released
  • Last updatedSeptember 2024

Council engaged Ecology and Heritage Partners to undertake a review of the heritage values of Fisherman’s Flat. Ecology and Heritage Partners were asked to:

  • Review existing citations for places within Fisherman’s Flat
  • Review the recommendations of the BoQ Planning Scheme Review (Lovell Chen 2021) as they relate to Fisherman’s Flat 

  • Confirm or modify the ‘contributory’ and ‘non-contributory’ classifications within Fisherman’s Flat

  • Assess previously unidentified heritage buildings 

A draft of the review, by Ecology and Heritage Partners, was made available to allow the community to review and offer feedback. An in-person consultation session was held at the Queenscliff Hub on 9th March 2023. During this session Fisherman’s Flat landholders and other interested parties had the opportunity to ask questions of Oona Nicholson, Director and Principal Heritage Advisor at Ecology and Heritage Partners. 

A number of written submissions were received in response to the request for feedback on the draft document. Submissions were forwarded to Ecology and Heritage Partners who have reviewed and made changes and corrections. The final draft of the review document has been received and was presented to Council at the Council briefing on 20 September 2023. 

The review was formally reported to Council at the Ordinary Meeting on 25 October 2023. The next step was to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare an amendment to the Queenscliffe Planning Scheme. The intent of the amendment is to strengthen provisions specific to the protection of heritage in Fisherman’s Flat. 

The amendment was progressed in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This included a formal exhibition period, during which submissions were invited on the amendment. 

At the Ordinary meeting on 22 May 2024, Council resolved to request that the Minister for Planning appoint a panel to hear the submissions. A panel was appointed, and an online panel hearing was held on Tuesday the 6th of August.

The Panel appointed to consider submissions to planning scheme Amendment C40quen have completed their report. The report contains recommendations on strategic justification and drafting of the amendment and issues raised in submissions. The recommendations will be reported to the Ordinary meeting of Council later this year.

To read the report, click on the link below.

Panel Report

Planning Scheme Amendment C40quen

On the 22nd of January 2024, the Minister for Planning authorised the preparation of an amendment to the Queenscliffe Planning Scheme.  Authorisation does not indicate Ministerial support for the amendment but does enable preparation and exhibition of the amendment in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. 

Amendment number C40quen has been allocated to the Fisherman’s Flat heritage review. 

Exhibition of amendment C40quen commenced on 7 March 2024 and concluded on 12 April 2024.  During this time, the amendment could be inspected during office hours at 50 Learmonth Street in Queenscliff or at the Borough of Queenscliffe website. Any person was able to make a submission about the amendment. 


Notice of preparation(DOC, 35KB)

Explanatory Report(DOCX, 2MB)

Instruction Sheet(DOC, 29KB)

Clauses and Schedules
Schedule to clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay 
Schedule to clause 43.01 Heritage Overlay Compare
Schedule to clause 72.04 Incorporated Documents(PDF, 147KB)
Schedule to clause 72.04 Incorporated Documents Compare
Schedule to clause 72.08 Background Documents
Schedule to clause 72.08 Background Documents Compare

Incorporated documents
Design Guidelines(DOCX, 94KB)
Statement of Significance(DOCX, 148KB)

Background documents

The exhibition period for this document has now finished. Submissions are currently being reviewed.

Any questions about the amendment, or the planning scheme amendment process, can be directed to Dinah O’Brien, Strategic Planner on 5258 1377 or via email by e-mailing