Reviewing our Community Vision

  • Project statusConsultation Opening Soon
  • Last updatedFebruary 2025

At the start of every new term, Council produces strategic documents that outline the focus of our work for the entire term.

The Victorian Local Government Act 2020 requires councils in Victoria to create a Community Vision in addition to a Council Plan. The goal of the Community Vision is to produce a consistent, long-term vision for our community’s future that successive councils and the community as a whole can work towards. Our current Community Vision was created through extensive consultation with our community in 2021 and will continue for 10 years. 

In the coming weeks, we will circulate a survey asking for your feedback to determine whether the Borough's 2021 - 2031 Community Vision continues to reflect the community's aspirations and priorities for Council.

The Community Vision sets out goals for our Council to achieve. Council has an important role to play in achieving this vision, and the document will be a useful reference point for everyone in the Borough. 

You can read the current Community Vision by clicking on the link below.

Borough's Community Vision 2021-2031

While a Community Vision can take many forms, the community panel determined that the Borough’s would contain a central statement and five supporting pillars.

Our central statement is:

The Borough is a special and restorative place, renowned for its distinctive coast, rich living heritage and vibrant culture. Our community is caring, and welcoming to visitors. We have a deep respect for the Wadawurrung People and are taking action to protect Country.

Our five core pillars are:

Enhancing health and wellbeing

Our community encourages an active and outdoor lifestyle and nurtures the welfare of all.

Protecting Country and our natural environment

We mitigate and adapt to the risks of climate change and preserve our ecosystems and biodiversity.

Supporting business and community prosperity

We have a thriving local economy and community that is underpinned by high quality infrastructure and services.

Encouraging an inclusive and engaged community

We have a welcoming, connected and diverse community that is supported by informed and consultative leadership.

Protecting and celebrating Wadawurrung and Borough heritage

Our cultural and built history is conserved and celebrated.

By its very nature, the Borough of Queenscliffe Community Vision isn’t just a Council document – it’s a document for everyone in our community to aspire to.

We think a vision for our whole community should be created by our whole community – that’s why we’re checking in with our residents and ratepayers to make sure the community vision we currently have still aligns with our goals and aspirations.

We're developing a survey that will ask if each pillar still resonates with you and our community as a whole. Your feedback will help us determine whether the Vision we currently have is still what we aspire to together. 

This survey will be open late February.