No longer on display. Expired on
23 November 2022, 05:00 PM
Council is developing a long-term Coastal and Marine Management Plan to ensure the Borough’s coasts are protected into the future and can continue to be used and enjoyed. Work to date has included the preparation of an issues paper and a draft Plan informed by two rounds of public consultation.
We now welcome expressions of interest from community members to participate in a Project Steering Committee that will help guide the remaining stages of work in the planning process. The Committee will include Council and agency representatives as well as members of the community.
The Project Steering Committee will provide advice to Council and help to ensure that the Plan development process is consistent with the requirements of the Coastal Marine Management Plan Guidelines (currently in draft form).
Terms of Reference
The role of the Committee is to:
- Contribute relevant knowledge, experience, and perspectives on the management of the coastal and marine environment, including:
- important features and values of the coastal and marine environment
- management issues and opportunities, and
- future aspirations for management.
- Ensure that stakeholder and community views and aspirations are reflected in the updated Plan.
The Committee will not be involved in operational or procurement decisions, such as the allocation of external consultants for the project. The full terms of reference for the Project Steering Committee will be reviewed by the Committee prior to being finalised.
Membership of the Committee will include a mix of agency and community representatives and will be capped at 11 members. Council is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced community members with specific knowledge of coastal and marine management issues to participate in the Committee. Up to four vacancies will be filled by community members, with the remaining vacancies filled by agency and Council representatives. Council aspires to have a Committee with a mix of skills and experience, and appointments will be made upon assessment of the applications.
Skills and experience
The specific skills and experience required for the Committee are:
- Traditional Owner values and aspirations
- Coastal and marine ecology and integrated coastal zone management
- Climate change and coastal processes
- Coastal and marine planning and policy frameworks
- Biodiversity, including native vegetation and weed management
- Foreshore users and visitor experience
- Tourism and commercial uses (e.g. camping and caravan parks, commercial leases)
- Non-indigenous heritage
- Asset and infrastructure management
- Other non-coastal-dependent uses (e.g. sporting and recreation)
Expression of interest
Expressions of interest close at 5:00pm on Wednesday 23 November.