No longer on display. Expired on 25 May 2023, 04:00 PM
The Borough of Queenscliffe gives notice that the 2023–24 Draft Financial Budget and the Draft Financial Plan 2023-24 to 2032-33 will be presented to the public on Wednesday 10 May 2023 at 6:00pm.
Council’s draft budget and the draft financial plan presentation will take place at the Queenscliff Town Hall and can be watched online or attended in person. More information about the presentation, including how you can participate in a live Q&A, is available on Council’s website at
These documents are available for public viewing here. Members of the public will be able to make submissions on the documents from Thursday 27 April 2023 up until 4:00pm on Thursday 25 May 2023. Submissions can be made in writing to or 50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff VIC 3225.
For further information, please contact the Borough of Queenscliffe on (03) 5258 1377.
Martin Gill
Chief Executive Officer