Published on 15 July 2024
At the August 2022 Ordinary Meeting, the Borough of Queenscliffe made a decision to establish a Disability Lived Experience Reference Group. The Borough of Queenscliffe Disability Lived Experience Reference Group is a group of people who represent diversity in our community, understand disability through experience, and can advise and guide Council as we update our Disability Inclusion Action Plan.
An outcome of this group was to review Council’s former Disability Action Plan and to propose a new Access and Inclusion Plan that aims to undertake actions that will improve accessability within the Borough. The draft document is being placed on exhibition from July 15 until August 15th.
A key action of the initial 12 month plan is the development of a four year Plan for the 2025 – 2029 period. This approach will bring the plan in line with the four year Council term and other key strategic documents the Borough is required to prepare for the period aligned with Council terms, such as the Annual Plan. The Draft Access and Inclusion Plan focuses on ‘shorter term goals’ with most longer term goals flagged for inclusion in the four year plan that will be developed over the coming twelve months.
Feedback is welcomed on this document from July 15 until August 15th. You can share your thoughts on the document by several methods, including:
Calling one of our friendly customer service officers on (03) 5258 1377
Coming into the Council Office on 50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff
Organising a meeting with the Steve Ward, Community Services Coordinator, to discuss feedback either online or in person by emailing or calling (03) 5258 1377
You are also more than welcome to contact Council to discuss alternative methods of providing feedback.
At the end of the exhibition period, the Lived Experience Disability Group will convene to review feedback and finalise the draft plan, ready to present to Council at the August Ordinary Meeting of Council.
To read the Draft Access and Inclusion Plan, click the button below.
Draft Access and Inclusion Plan(PDF, 401KB)