Published on 17 November 2023
The Council has engaged Ecology and Heritage Partners to undertake a review of the heritage values at Fisherman’s Flat. Ecology and Heritage Partners were asked to:
A draft of the review, by Ecology and Heritage Partners, was made available to allow the community to review and offer feedback. An in-person consultation session was held at the Queenscliff Hub on 9th March 2023. During this session Fisherman’s Flat landholders and other interested parties had the opportunity to ask questions of Oona Nicholson, Director and Principal Heritage Advisor at Ecology and Heritage Partners.
A number of written submissions were received in response to the request for feedback on the draft document. Submissions were forwarded to Ecology and Heritage Partners who have reviewed and made changes and corrections. The final draft of the review document has been received and was presented to Council at the Council briefing on 20 September 2023.
The review will be formally reported to Council at their ordinary meeting, scheduled for 25 October 2023. The next step is to seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare an amendment to the Queenscliffe Planning Scheme. The intent of the amendment is to strengthen provisions specific to the protection of heritage in Fisherman’s Flat.
The amendment will be progressed in accordance with the requirements of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This includes a formal exhibition period, during which submissions will be invited on the amendment.
The intention is to exhibit the amendment in late January 2024.