Thanks for the E-Waste!

Published on 27 May 2024


On Saturday the 11th of May, Council held an e-waste collection where residents could dispose of their unwanted electronic items. We're pleased to share that thanks to the participation of our community, over 5000 kilograms of e-waste was diverted from landfill and will be recycled and given a second life.

Over the weekend 288 cars came through the Ocean View carpark to drop off 5,075kg of electrical waste, including televisions, computers, IT equipment, irons, toasters, kettles and vacuums. All these products will be recycled into new products via Sircel.

Since introducing e-waste collection in 2012, Council has diverted 80,000 kilos of e-waste from landfill, helping stop hazardous substances getting into soil and water, and saving energy and resources that go into new products.

Council is committed to ensuring waste gets disposed of in the right way. We're currently reviewing the processes related to the collection of hard waste. Our goal is to provide residents with greater flexibility and reliability regarding collection days and times, as part of an improved collection service. Exploring the options available to us will take some time, consequently, hard waste collection will be delayed this year.

We thank you for your patience.

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