Published on 12 April 2024
In order to help preserve our waterways and natural environs, we're undertaking works on Ganes Reserve.
These works will consist of removal of invasive Bulrush (also known as Typha or Cumbungi) which can choke waterways and create a monoculture preventing other indigenous plants from growing. It also creates buildup of thick silt and sediment, reducing wetland capacity, which contributes to potential risks of flooding.
Once removed, the Typha will be placed in piles on-site to drain (and allow any captured wildlife to return to the wetland) before being taken away and processed into compost for future use.
These works will begin on Monday 15 April.
Works will be supervised by an independent, qualified ecologist to ensure that any negative impacts to other plants, wildlife and the surrounding environment are minimised.
A biodiversity assessment on the site has been undertaken, and an environmental management plan has also been developed by the independent ecologist, who will ensure all works are completed in accordance with this plan.