Documents for inspection

Person holding a magnifying glass over documents

A range of information that is available for public inspection is not included on this website. Much of this information is contained in large documents or registers, from which you can source specific detail.

This includes Council's Personal Interest Returns for December 2024.

The following documents are available for public inspection at the Council offices during normal office hours. However, for practical reasons, you might need to book a prior appointment. 

List of documents

In accordance with the Local Government Act 2020Local Government Act 1989 and/or Council Policy CP050: Public Transparency, the following documents are available for inspection at the Council offices (50 Learmonth Street, Queenscliff) during normal business hours. Where an item is linked, some information may be made available online.

  1.  The definition of the types or classes of land which are subject to a differential rate, and the objectives of the differential rate.
  2.  A copy of any proposed declaration of a special rate or a special charge.
  3.  A copy of any local law made by Council under section 74 of the Local Government Act 2020.
  4.  A copy of any document, code, standard, rule, specification or method which contains any matter incorporated in a local law of Council.
  5.  A summary of personal interests.
  6.  A copy of an election campaign donation return for the most recent Council election (older returns may also be able to be inspected).
  7.  Documents such as:
    • Plans and Reports adopted by Council;
    • Council Policies;
    • Project and Service Plans;
    • Service Agreements, Contracts, Leases and Licences; and
    • relevant technical reports and/or research that inform Council's decision-making.
  8.  Process information such as:
  9.  The following Council Information: