Policies and procedures

Council maintains a library of policies that are available for reading and download. The following policies have all been adopted by Council. 

47 Result(s) found

The purpose of this policy is to provide clarity for Councillors and officers (staff) about dealings with each other, so they are clear about interactions not addressed in their respective Codes of Conduct, as well as their respective obligations and duties under the Local Government Act 2020.

Note this Councillor/staff interaction policy is not a Council policy but is a policy of the CEO made under section 46 of the Local Government Act 2020. The Model Councillor Code of Conduct requires Councillors to comply with any policy made by the CEO under this section of the Act.

Adopted: 13 November 2024

This policy sets out Council’s commitment to manage and care for its assets in a way that assists its vision, and meets the needs of the community, both now and in the future.

Adopted: 6 April 2004
Most recently revised: 28 July 2021

The Borough of Queenscliffe recognises that there are many individuals, community groups and organisations that make outstanding contributions to the community every year and that those contributions should be acknowledged and celebrated accordingly.

The purpose of this policy is to set out the award categories, and the nomination and selection processes for awards that acknowledge community excellence in the Borough of Queenscliffe.

Adopted: 21 September 2011
Most recently revised: 26 October 2022

The genuine and productive engagement of the community is an essential component of local democracy and a requirement of the Local Government Act 2020. In the interests of making well-informed decisions whilst maintaining accountability, trust and transparency, Council is committed to engaging the community in its decision-making processes in a consistent and strategic manner.

Adopted: 24 September 2014
Most recently revised: 4 December 2022


The Community Grants Program is a valuable tool for the Borough of Queenscliffe enhancing good governance and strengthening communities. This is achieved by empowering individuals and community organisations to respond collectively to community needs.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a Community Grants Program that aims to enable community groups to further meet the needs of the wider community in a partnership relationship with Council.

Adopted: 1 December 1998
Most recently revised: 28 February 2024

Council has adopted a Customer Service Charter which sets out in plain language the services provided by Council, the standard of those services, how service levels will be measured and what customers can do if the stated service levels are not met. This Charter reflects and is aligned with our Council Plan Vision and Values.

Adopted: 23 June 2010
Most recently revised: 23 February 2022

Council’s policy on Equal Employment Opportunity reflects not only its obligations under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010, the Fair Work Act 2009 and the Local Government Act 2020 but Council’s desire to promote a workplace free of discrimination where each person, regardless of any attributes such as gender, disability or age, or whether the person is part of a designated group, has the opportunity to progress to the extent of their ability.

The purpose of this policy is to affirm the Borough of Queenscliffe’s commitment to upholding the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity in all Council activities.

Adopted: 9 June 2010
Most recently revised: 27 July 2022

The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate the Borough of Queenscliffe's commitment to the prevention, deterrence, detection, investigation and reporting of all forms of fraud. The aim of this policy is to ensure that all Councillors and staff have a clear understanding of their responsibilities in regard to fraud prevention.

Adopted: 5 August 2003
Most recently revised: 24 July 2024

Receipt of a gift can result in a conflict of interest, or a perceived conflict of interest, in a matter. The Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) sets out legislative requirements in relation to conflict of interest and each Councillor and Council officer is responsible to familiarise themselves with the provisions contained in the Act. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to override the provisions of the Act. In the event of any apparent inconsistency, the provisions of the Act will prevail.

Adopted: 18 October 2011
Most recently revised: 24 April 2024

The purpose of this policy is to outline Council’s approach to the management of its information collection, data bases and other records containing personal details so as to protect the privacy of individual details contained in such records. Council has developed this policy to comply with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014, the Health Records Act 2001 and the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Adopted: 18 October 2011
Most recently revised: 24 August 2022

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